Let \(R\) and \(S\) be reflexive relations on the same set. Which of the following relations are also reflexive?
\(R\cup S\)
The relation \(R\cup S\) contains all pairs \((x,x)\) e.g. from the relation \(R\), so it is reflexive.
The relation \(R\cup S\) is reflexive.
\(R\cap S\)
Every pair \((x,x)\) is in the relation \(R\) and also in the relation \(S\), so it is also in their intersection.
The relation \(R\cap S\) is reflexive.
\(R\setminus S\)
Every pair \((x,x)\) is in both relations \(R\) and \(S\), so the difference \(R\setminus S\) will not contain any such pair.
Because \(R\) and \(S\) both contain the pair \((x,x)\), the symmetric difference of relations \(R\) and \(S\) will not contain any such pair.
The relation \(R\mathbin{\Delta}S\) is not reflexive.
\(R\circ S\)
Composing \(xRx\) with \(xSx\) yields \(x(R\circ S)x\).
The relation \(R\circ S\) is reflexive.
From \(xRx\) we immediately obtain \(xR^{-1}x\).
The relation \(R^{-1}\) is reflexive.