Cycle in a k-connected graph
Task number: 3972
Prove that in every \( k \)-connected graph any \( k \) vertices lie on a common cycle.
Proceed by a contradiction and assume the existence of paths according to Menger’s theorem.
Let \( S \) be a given set and \( C \) be the cycle with as much as possible many vertices from \( S \).
For a contradiction, assume the existence of \( v \in S \setminus C \). According to Menger’s theorem, there exist at least \( k \) disjoint paths between \( v \) and \( C \).
The end vertices of these paths divide the cycle \( C \) into \( k \) sections. According to Dirichlet’s principle, at least one section does not contain any vertex of \( S \) inside, therefore, this section can be replaced by the respective two paths leading to \( v \).
This gives a cycle with more vertices from \( S \) than \( C \), which is the desired contradiction.