Dense graph
Task number: 3965
Let \( G \) be any graph on \( 2n \) vertices, each its vertex has degree at least \( n \). Prove that \( G \) is edge \(n\)-connected.
If the graph is to be separated by removing several edges into components, at least one of the components will have at most \(n\) vertices. There are at most \( \binom{k}{2} \) edges between \( k \) vertices. The sum of degrees is \( kn \), so this component is connected by at least \( kn-2 \binom{k}{2} = k (n-k + 1) \) edges.
This function is concave on the interval \( [1, n] \), with minima at the extreme points when the number of outgoing edges is at least \( n \).
From the above we get that each edge cut must have at least \( n \) edges.