Equivalent definition of tree
Task number: 4212
Prove that a graph \( G \) is a tree if and only if \( G \) has no cycle and \( | E (G) | = | V (G) | -1 \) .
Prove the statement without using the theorem on equivalent tree definitions, or if you need any implication from this theorem, then reproduce it in its entirety.
Consider the definition of a tree, for example, that it is a connected graph without cycles.
The property without cycles is preserved on both sides.
Forward implication (connected and without cycles implies \( | E (G) | = | V (G) | -1 \)):
By induction according to \( | V_G | \), connected without cycles has a leaf \( u \), for \( G-u \) the given equation applies, which with the addition of \( u \) does not violate.
Backward implication (\( | E (G) | = | V (G) | -1 \) and without cycles implies connectedness):
For contradiction, suppose that \( G \) is disconnected without cycles with the components \( C_1,…, C_k \). The components are connected without cycles, so they fulfill the previous implication. Then \( | E (G) | = | E (C_1) | +… + | E (C_k) | = | V (C_1) | -1 +… + | V (C_k) | -1 = | V (G) | -k \), a contradiction.