Graph operations

Task number: 3959

Let \( k_v(G) \) denote the vertex and \( k_e(G) \) the edge connectivity of a graph \(G\).

  • Variant

    Prove that for a graph \(G\) and an edge \(e \in E(G)\) holds that \(k_e(G) - 1 \leq k_e(G - e) \leq k_e(G)\).

  • Variant

    Prove that for a graph \(G\) and a vertex \(v \in V(G)\) holds that \(k_v(G) - 1 \leq k_v(G - v)\).

  • Variant

    Find a graph for which for which \(k_v(G - v) \not\leq k_v(G)\).

  • Variant

    Prove that the edge removal does not reduce the vertex connectivity of a graph by more than 1.

    In other words, \( k_v (G-e) \ge k_v (G) -1 \).

  • Variant

    Prove that the edge contraction does not reduce the vertex connectivity of a graph by more than 1.

    In other words, \( k_v (G / e) \ge k_v (G) -1 \).

Difficulty level: Moderate task
Reasoning task
Proving or derivation task
Cs translation
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