Set operations
Task number: 2825
Given non-empty sets of real numbers \(A\) and \(B\) that are bounded above and below, express the suprema of the following sets as precisely as possible in terms of the suprema and infima of the sets \(A\) and \(B\).
Variant 1
\(A\cup B\)
Variant 2
\(A\cap B\), under the assumption that this intersection is non-empty.
Variant 3
\(A\setminus B\), under the assumption that this difference is non-empty.
Variant 4
\(\ominus A\) where the operation \(\ominus\) is defined as \(\ominus A=\{-a: a\in A\}\)
Variant 5
\(A\oplus B\) where the operation \(\oplus\) is defined as \(A\oplus B=\{a+b: a\in A,\ b\in B\}\)